PROWDS : The Art of Self-Control: Navigating Emotions in the Work Environment

PROWDS : The Art of Self-Control: Navigating Emotions in the Work Environment

PROWDS : The Art of Self-Control: Navigating Emotions in the Work Environment

Date             : 24 January 2024

Time             : 19.00 - 20.30 WIB

Platform       : Zoom Online Meeting



In today's dynamic and demanding work environment, mastering the art of self-control is paramount for personal growth and professional success.

With a solid grasp of emotional management, you'll be equipped to boost your productivity, improve communication, and build a stellar reputation in the dynamic workplace. Save your spot now and unlock the secrets to mastering emotions in the modern work arena!

Join us for the enlightening webinar, "The Art of Self-Control: Navigating Emotions in the Work Environment," with Istiqomah Yungsiana, S.Psi.,M.Psi.,Psikolog. (Psychologist)


You will Learn :

  1. Recognizing and Understanding Emotions
  2. The Significance of Emotion Management
  3. Techniques for Emotion Management
  4. Applying Emotion Management Techniques in the Workplace


The material kit includes:

  • E - Certificate



  •  Not refundable and cancellation ticket
  • PROWDS will be conducted in Bahasa 
  • PROWDS will be held on 24 January 2024  at 19.00 WIB
  • We will send the Zoom link to your registered email maximum on 23 January 2024. Make sure you are using a correct and valid full name and email address.
  • Make sure you are using the same email as the registered email when you join the link zoom.
  •  If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to our PIC Novia +62 878-0816-0878

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